Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Finished my first big wall quilt and framed some of Jenny's pictures

Well there is not much going on in the paddling department as the rivers in my area are still frozen over. It was -37 degrees celsius last night when you factor in the windchill. All I can say is frickin brrrrrrrr.

I have finally finished my first large wall quilt. It is about 30 inches by 45 inches in size. I finished it on saturday at my sister-in-law Lisa. She showed me how to finish the edge with putting on the binding.

My friend and fellow River Junkie Jenny had posted some really nice pictures on her blog.

I decided to frame three of them for a total cost of 55 dollars. Not a bad price for some really nice artwork. Thanks Jenny. Who knows maybe you will get a set of your own!

Just think a few more weeks until spring and the rivers will be flowing once again. In other words paddling season.