Friday, June 13, 2008

I passed my exam ... now I get to go paddling again!

Well after three grueling 14 hour days of non-stop studying I decided WTF and scheduled my exam (costs 150 bucks) for noon friday 13th June. Maybe this would be my lucky day.

I managed to sleep in until 8am which is huge for me.

Had some toast for breaky and skimmed over my study notes and headed over early for my exam.

Luckily I did the construction sucked and some asswipe almost forced me into the ditch when a frickin scquirrel ran across the road. Rule 1 is run it over if lower than your bumper.

The test center logged me in for my exam ... 55 questions in 90 minutes and I had to get 804 point to pass. Things were going well until I got to question 4 where the computer simulation was not working correcly. I put a comment in the comment section and called the test facilitaor over. They were not sure what to do and after 10 minutes I had to say screw it and continue on as the clock was ticking and I now had 70 minutes left. At least I could get a free techinal re-write if I had failed by missing that question.

I did the other 51 questions in 35 minutes including two quite intensive simulations that worked fine. I had a good feeling by the end of the exam and I figured I had passed with flying colours.

I did pass but was disappointed with my score. I managed to only get 1000 out of a possible 1000 points! This would be the first time I ever got a 100 percent on a Cisco network exam.

I am frickin happy. I met my friend Mark and some of his friends at Jask Astors for lunch before heading home to cut the grass and pack up my paddling gear.

I can now relax a bit and get back into my boat as I have not paddled as much as I have wanted to this spring.