Saturday, July 7, 2007


Water Level: - 0.5

Well I don’t know where to start. It has been one of those frickin days that just went from bad to worse.

I met up with Joe at the putin. We did a quick shuttle and saw Gonzo, Scott, and Isaac at the putin when we got back.

Joe and I headed off to McKoys. My first run through Phil’s was uneventful. I was going to eddy in at Corner Wave to empty out the remaining little water I had. I figured what the hell its not that bad and I would just go through Center Horseshoe and eddy in on the left.

Wrong move. That’s when I ended up in Leftside Horsehoe in a major downstream side surf. I was in there for a long time before I realized that the river was not going to let me go and when for my first swim of the day. The kayakers sitting in the eddy were truly impressed.

I was sitting in line in the eddy when a female kayaker asked me where I was going and I pointed to BabyFace. She thought I was frickin crazy. I managed to get a half-decent side surf on Babyface before taking my boat back up top. I saw one of the video guys from Owl that I met at MKC last week on shore and yelled at him. I pointed to right side Phils. I dropped into it sideways and had a frickin ‘A’ side surf going. The boat rolled completely twice while I was still in the boat and ended up side surfing some more. And then boom … all of a sudden I went for my second and last swim of the day. I gave a big yahoo fist into the air for the cameras. It wasn’t until I swam to shore that I realized I lost half my paddle blade.

I was on river right and my boat was on river left. I was going to do the swim through Center Horseshoe but Gonzo happened to be a really nice guy and brought my boat back over to me all the while towing his little Shaggy boat behind. I did how ever make the Owl trip video with my carnage side surf in Phil’s right after the part where they were saying this is not where you want to be in a raft let alone a open boat.

Joe managed to get some excellent side surf in right side Horsehoe and managed to survive.

After that Joe and I headed down river to Garb. Gonzo and gang were busy surfing Garb by the time I did my clean run through. I caught the eddy behind the rock island and pulled my boat up to take pictures. I spent some time talking to Raf Ortiz, Anthony Yap, and Geoff Seaborn, and Ryan while they were in the lineup. After shooting pics and video I headed down to Push Button.

I had to chase a kayak and do a kayak over canoe rescue before returning it to its owner. I almost managed to catch a front and side surf at Push Button. I met Tiffany Manchester for the first time ever.

After that it was a clean run through Butchers Knife and off to the Normans. I ran the Normans clean and finally caught up to Gonzo and gang at Coliseum. I had a clean run through Coli. Isaac was really disappointed as he was expecting some entertaining carnage as he was used to seeing me swim this one all the time.

My day went from bad to worse after reaching the takeout and running Joe back up to the putin. I filled up with gas at 17 West. A few moments later my POS car decided to die. I then phoned my dad and asked where to have it towed. After phoning CAA I phoned Jenny as I was supposed to paddle with her on Sunday. She asked me what I was going to do with my car and she basically said you can’t get it fixed on a Sunday so come boating anyway. She even offered to come and get me all the way from Petawawa. What a sweetheart.

Well my POS is now at a garage until Monday. Who knows I might end up getting a newer car next week.

And I am still going paddling with Jenny tomorrow.

Until the next report …. SYOTR