Thursday, February 21, 2008

On vacation in Edmonton

I stayed at a friends place in Toronto last night and took pictures of the eclipse in the -13C temperature. It got way to cold after 90 minutes and did not get pics of the change back to normal.

See pictures here

I left Toronto at -20C this morning and landed in a balmy +8 or so in Edmonton. I am only wearing my T-shirt outside (and pants).

I am visiting my cousin Michelle's family giving them a hand around the house. This is only fair as they paid for the ticket. I picked them up a screaming fast desktop computer in Toronto and brought it with me as checked luggage.

I just finished running some network cable and am now having a few drinks. Nothing like having a 2 year old helping you drill a hole through the wall by pressing the button while your holding it. He can run the vacuum cleaner pretty good as well.

I think we are having chilli for dinner so let the farting begin!

Anyway got to go figure out what my task list is for the week.