Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A photo studio in the house

I had been thinking for a while now about turning the huge empty master bedroom in my house into a photo studio of some type. It was time I added another dimension into my photography realm that is so far removed from my regular sports and nature shots.

So guess what I finally did it. It might not be a professional (as I am not a pro photographer) setup but WTH it is functional.

I had the pleasure of taking some pics of my friend Ashley last sunday as my first run through to see how things would work out with the new setup. She was an absolute sweetheart as worked together to figure out lighting, etc for different possible shots.

She was very pleased with how things went and the in the final outcome.

The rest of the pictures can be found here http://www.flickr.com/photos/cmnypny/sets/72157609963636675/

I still have a lit bit of tweaking to make to my setup but I am very happy so far!