Friday, January 4, 2008

Texas to Nashville

We left the camp in Texas at 6am. We had at least a 13 hour drive ahead of us plus Matt also wanted to stop at the Bill Clinton Presidential Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas. That’s what you get for doing a road trip with a Political Science student.

We finally reached Little Rock six hours later. The museum was actually quite interesting to go through. Considering I am not into following politics at all I actually enjoyed it.

It was time to hit the road and we had about seven hours to go in order to make it to my friends place in Tennesee. I had gotten an email a few days back saying they might have to take a road trip to DC.

We drove over the Mississippi River heading into Memphis. That river is frickin huge.

I phoned them just as we were pulling into Nashville around 7pmish (time tends to blur on these type of road trips). Dane said the rest of the family was on their way to DC so Matt and I grabbed a room in Nashville after going to Hooters for dinner. The wings were so so but the scenery was excellent. Matt was still trying to figure out how to steal one of the 20 foot palm trees out of the parking lot before we left.

Link to pictures